<aside> 📌 2024년에 진행되는 FEM2023은 버전이 4.0으로 변경되면서 많은 변화가 생겼습니다. 공장에서 이런 변화에 대한 준비를 하는 시간 가질 수 있게 FEM2023은 Level 1에 질문들 위주로 검증이 진행됩니다.
Official Core Verification 설명
섹션별 적용 대상
Section | FEM 3.0 | FEM 4.0 | FEM Core Verification |
Site Information | 7 | 8 | 8 |
Permits | 4 | 4 | 4 |
EMS | 13 | 16 | 8 |
Energy | 11 | 23 | 8 |
Water | 8 | 26 | 7 |
Wastewater | 12 | 31 | 16 |
Air Emissions | 8 | 19 | 6 |
Waste | 17 | 31 | 12 |
Chemicals | 24 | 31 | 17 |
Total | 104 | 189 | 86 |
상세 적용 번호
FEM Section/ Question | FEM 4.0 Question |
Site Information & Permits | |
All | All Site Information & Permits Questions apply. |
EMS | |
Q1 | Are one or more employees at your facility responsible for coordinating your facility’s environmental management activities? |
Q2 | Has your facility identified the significant environmental impacts associated with current operations within the factory premises? |
Q3 | Does your facility have a company environmental policy? |
Q5 | Does your facility have a mechanism in place to regularly review and monitor environmental permit status and renewal (where appropriate) and ensure compliance? |
Q6 | Does your facility maintain a documented system to identify, monitor and periodically verify all laws, regulations, standards, codes, and other legislative and regulatory requirements for your significant environmental impacts (in addition to areas that are covered in required permits)? |
Q8 | Does your facility have documented procedures to enable employees to report on environmental incidents? |
Q9 | Does your facility have a process and schedule to maintain all equipment? |
Q10 | Can you please confirm there is no soil and/or groundwater contamination in your facility? |
Energy and GHG | |
Q1(QM) | Select all sources of energy for your facility (exclude sources used for company owned and controlled vehicles) (inclusive of sub-questions on energy source details) |
Q2(QM) | Select all sources of energy/fuel for company owned and controlled vehicles (inclusive of sub-questions on energy source details) |
Q3(QM) | Does your facility purchase Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) (e.g., Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs))? |
Q4(QM) | Does your facility purchase Carbon Offsets? |
Q5 | Does your facility track any of its energy use? |
Q6 | Does your facility track energy use from each energy source your facility utilizes? |
Q7(QM) | Does your facility identify and track separately energy use in domestic vs. |
production? (inclusive of energy use tracking tables) | |
Q8(QM) | Does your facility track energy/fuel use from each energy/fuel source of company owned and controlled vehicles that your facility utilize? (inclusive of energy use tracking tables) |
Water | |
Applicability Questions | All Applicability Questions apply. |
Q1 | Select all water sources used by your facility |
Q2 | Does your facility track any of its water use? |
Q3 | Does your facility track the consumption of water from all of the sources it utilizes? |
Q4(QM) | Does the water consumption you track and report include the rejected water quantity from pre-treatment? (inclusive of water use tracking tables) |
Q5(QM) | Are you able to identify and track domestic and production water use separately? (inclusive of water use tracking tables) |
Q6(QM) | Is there any Legally Mandated Groundwater Abstraction Restrictions in your country? |
Q7 | Does your facility have a process to monitor the water supply network in your facility for leaks? |
Wastewater | |
Applicability Questions | All Applicability Questions apply. |
Q1(QM) | Does your facility track its wastewater volume? (inclusive of wastewater volume tracking tables) |
Q2(QM) | Does your facility monitor the BOD5 Level of your wastewater? |
Q3 | Does your facility have a mechanism to prevent stormwater from being contaminated before it is discharged into the environment? |
Q4 | Does your facility maintain a copy of the current contract, permit, agreement or invoices regarding wastewater discharge regulatory compliance requirements for your facility to the offsite wastewater treatment plant? |
Q5 | Does your facility have a mechanism or process to monitor whether your wastewater treatment plant is functioning as per the design parameters |
(Volume, Flow Rate, Input /Output Quality)? | |
Q6 | Does your facility have a back-up plan if there is an emergency related to wastewater? |
Q7 | Can you please confirm that, wastewater generated by the facility is not discharged to the environment through leaking and/or bypassing? |
Q9(QM) | Does your facility track its industrial wastewater sludge generated in the reporting year? |
Q11 | Does your facility have well-marked, designated wastewater sludge storage areas? |
Q12 | Is industrial wastewater sludge disposed of properly? |
Q13 | Does your facility maintain manifests or similar documentation of the handling, transportation, processing, and disposal of sludge, accounting for all industrial wastewater sludge generated at the facility? |
Q14 | Does your facility provide training to all employees whose work involves wastewater sludge handling (such as maintenance and custodial staff)? |
Q15 | Is domestic wastewater sludge disposed of properly? |
Q16 | Does your facility manage the residue of the Septic System? |
Q17 | Have you tested your wastewater against the legal requirements that apply to your facility? |
Q18 | Are you reporting against any wastewater standard (additional to the legal requirement)? |
Air | |
Applicability Questions | All Applicability Questions apply. |
Q1 | Has your facility created an inventory of all point source air emission sources at your facility? |
Q3 | Is your facility in compliance with all applicable legal requirements relating to air emissions including all permitting, reporting and testing requirements? |
Q4 | Do you know what refrigerant(s) your facility uses? |
Q5 | Does your facility have preventative maintenance procedures in place to avoid refrigerant leakage from your equipment? |
Q6(QM) | Does your facility track refrigerant usage? (inclusive of refrigerant tracking tables) |
Q7 | Are you monitoring or reporting against any industry guidelines or tools for air emissions (additional to the legal requirement)? |
Waste | |
Q1 | Which non-hazardous waste streams does your site produce? Select all that apply |
Q2 | Does your facility track any of its non-hazardous waste streams? |
Q3 | Does your facility track each non-hazardous waste stream your facility generates? |
Q5 | Which hazardous waste streams does your site produce? Select all that apply |
Q6 | Does your facility track any of its hazardous waste streams? |
Q7 | Does your facility track each hazardous waste stream your facility generates? |
Q9 | Does your facility both segregate waste (hazardous and non-hazardous) and store these waste separately? |
Q10 | Does your facility have well-marked, designated hazardous waste storage areas and proper containers for all hazardous waste? |
Q11 | Does your facility have well-marked, designated non-hazardous waste storage area(s) and containers? |
Q12 | Does your facility forbid all irresponsible waste disposal actions including open burning, open dumping, burying waste and intentional release into soil and/or water? |
Q13 | Does your facility provide awareness training to employees regarding segregation of waste? |
Q14 | Does your facility provide training to all employees whose work involves hazardous waste handling (such as maintenance and custodial staff) within the facility? |
Chemicals | |
Applicability Questions | All Applicability Questions apply. |
Q1 | Does your facility have a written Chemical Management System (CMS) policy? |
Q2 | Have you assigned the responsibility of implementing and maintaining the Chemical Management System (CMS) to a team/staff member? |
Q3 | Does your facility have a chemical purchasing policy? |
Q4 | Does your facility keep a Chemical Inventory List (CIL) and the suppliers of each chemical product? |
Q5 | Does your facility's Chemical Inventory List (CIL) include the following data? |
Q6 | Does your facility make Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available to employees for all chemicals used? |
Q7 | Does your facility train all employees who use chemicals on chemical hazards, risk, proper handling, and what to do in case of emergency or spill? |
Q8 | Does your facility have a chemical spill and emergency response plan that is practiced periodically? |
Q9 | Does your facility have appropriate and operable protective and safety equipment, as recommended by the Global Harmonization System compliant (or equivalent) Safety Data Sheet, in all areas where chemicals are stored and used? |
Q10 | Does your facility have chemical hazard signage and safe handling equipment in the areas of the facility where chemicals are used? |
Q11 | Does your facility select and purchase chemicals based on their hazards and MRSL requirements? |
Q12 | Does your facility select and purchase chemicals based on their hazards and RSL requirements? |
Q14 | Does your facility have well marked, designated chemical storage areas? |
Q15 | Does your facility have well marked sub-storage areas? |
Q16 | Does your facility train employees responsible for the chemical management system on Restricted Substance Lists (RSLs)? |
Q17 | Does your facility train employees responsible for the chemical management system on Manufacturing Restricted Substance Lists (MRSLs)? |
Q18 | Does your facility have an established process to investigate and resolve a potential RSL failure? |
<aside> 📌 RST Co., Ltd 는 공식 Higg Index FEM 교육기관입니다. FEM 진행과 관련하여 궁금한 부분이 있으시면 언제든지 연락 주십시오.